The tarte au fromage resembles a ricotta cheesecake in flavor and texture, but it is made with a mixture of creme fraiche and farmer cheese; a layer of...
Our modern rendition of carrot pudding is moist, dense, and fragrant with cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla -- and topped with toffee sauce and candied carrot...
A silky cheesecake made with cream cheese and sour cream -- and featuring melted bitter-sweet chocolate, cocoa powder, plus a chocolate-wafer crust --...
For the velvety filling in these cinnamon-and-allspice whoopie pies, a caramel sauce is folded into buttercream. A rim of pink rock salt brings it all...
Martha takes tres leches cake to the next level by adding yet another milk. The vanilla-flecked batter is enriched with milk powder, whole milk, condensed...
This pie is filled with sweet, jammy blackberries and tart apples, and then topped with a forest of pastry leaves -- worthy of the season's most important...
Granita is an Italian ice dessert with a crystalline texture. You can substitute espresso in this recipe with two cups very strong brewed coffee, although...
Martha's take on the Gulf confections known as tamrieh calls for coating spiced date rounds with chocolate rather than serving them with the traditional...
This recipe is brought to us by Andre Soltner, the former chef and owner of Lutece restaurant in New York City. It is different from many other charlotte...
Yogurt adds a healthy component to this fool, an old-fashioned dessert. A squeeze of lime, a crunchy sprinkling of pistachios, and a smooth swirl of honey...
Clever slicing and colored icing transform simple cupcakes into real delights. Gumdrop heads and licorice antennae may be the first thing picked off and...
These rich, chocolatey individual desserts can be made in ovenproof ramekins, mugs, or cups. The recipe also works in a nine-inch round cake pan, although...
The name for these pressed cookies comes from the German word "spritzen" (to squirt). They can be quickly formed with a cookie press. Although they have...
Two types of flour contribute to these cupcakes' singular texture: Cake flour makes for a delicate crumb, while all-purpose flour keeps them from being...
This extravagant dessert has everything: ice cream, nuts, fluffy marshmallow, and enough satisfyingly cakey bits to hold it all together. Sometimes more...
If you want to give beef a break, try our recipe for this comfort-food classic that's made with lamb. Another twist on tradition: Shepherd's pie is usually...